Friday, 2 May 2014

Integration of Lync 2013 and Exchange 2013 for Voicemail

1        Integration of Lync 2013 and Exchange 2013 for Voicemail

1.1            Basic Signalling traffic between Lync 2013 and Exchange 2013

1.2            Configure Certificates

1)      Make sure Exchange 2013 and Lync Server 2013 are fully installed and up and running.

2)      After the servers are up and running you must assign server-to-server authentication certificates to both Lync Server 2013 and Exchange 2013

a.       Self-signed certificate with Exchange server name for Exchange Server

b.      Existing Lync Server certificate for Lync 2013

3)      Verify certificate on Lync FE server

PS C:\Users\support> Get-CsCertificate -Type OAuthTokenIssuer



                        Issuer             : CN=Contoso Enterprise CA, DC=internal, DC=contoso, DC=com

                        NotAfter           : 20/12/2015 3:37:28 PM

                        NotBefore          : 20/12/2013 3:37:28 PM

                        SerialNumber       : 227E087D000000000A5B

                Subject            :, OU=IT, O=Contoso, L=Sydney, S=NSW,    C=AU

                        AlternativeNames   : {}

                        Thumbprint         : B04EA34E3A6F2147D1A227753FB91571CC8C9076

                        EffectiveDate      : 20/12/2013 3:47:36 PM

                        PreviousThumbprint :

                        UpdateTime         :

                        Use                : OAuthTokenIssuer

                        SourceScope        : Global

1.3            Configure Autodiscover services

4)      The autodiscover service must be configured in Exchange before we integrate lync 2013 and exchange 2013. Use following command to verify if autodiscover service has been configured or not.


Get-ClientAccessServer | Select-Object Name, AutoDiscoverServiceInternalUri | Format-List


If the value is blank, use following command to assign URI


Get-ClientAccessServer | Set-ClientAccessServer -AutoDiscoverServiceInternalUri ""


5)      After the autodiscover service has been configured, modify lync server Oauth configuration settings so that I knows where to find the autodiscover service


Set-CsOAuthConfiguration -Identity global -ExchangeAutodiscoverUrl ""


a.       Make sure there is a DNS record for pointing to your Exchange Server

1.4            Configure Partner Applications

6)      To configure Lync 2013 Partner Application, Open the Exchange Management Shell and run following command

"C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\Scripts\Configure-EnterprisePartnerApplication.ps1 -AuthMetaDataUrl '' -ApplicationType Lync"


7)      Restart IIS services on Exchange Server ( Mailbox and CAS )

8)      To Configure Exchange 2013 as a Partner Application, open lync Management Shell and run following command


New-CsPartnerApplication -Identity Exchange -ApplicationTrustLevel Full -MetadataUrl ""


9)      Enable test user ex2013test for lync

10)   Verify integration


Test-CsExStorageConnectivity -SipUri ""


1.5            Configure Exchange Dial-Plan/Policy/services

11)   Configure DialPlan ( open Exchange Management Shell and run following commands )


New-UMDialPlan -Name "CONTOSODialPlan" -VoIPSecurity "Secured" -NumberOfDigitsInExtension 3 -URIType "SipName" -CountryOrRegionCode 61

Set-UMDialPlan "CONTOSODialPlan" -ConfiguredInCountryOrRegionGroups "Anywhere,*,*,*" -AllowedInCountryOrRegionGroups "Anywhere"

12)   Add DialPlan to UM Server and modify the startup mode of the server


Set-UmService -Identity "" -DialPlans "CONTOSODialPlan" -UMStartupMode "Dual"

13)   Enable Exchange cert for UM


Enable-ExchangeCertificate -Server "" -Thumbprint "4E40359F052E40F5965D317FB9664313E3187BFC" -Services "SMTP","IIS","UM","IMAP","POP"

14)   Configure UM Call Router


Set-UMCallRouterSettings -Server " " -UMStartupMode "Dual" -DialPlans "CONTOSODialPlan"

Enable-ExchangeCertificate -Server " " -Thumbprint "4E40359F052E40F5965D317FB9664313E3187BFC" -Services "IIS","UMCallRouter"


15)   Configure UM Policy

New-UMMailboxPolicy -Name "ContosoMailboxPolicy" -AllowedInCountryOrRegionGroups "Anywhere"

1.6            Run Scripts

16)   Run the exchucutil.ps1 PowerShell script on the Exchange server (Make sure to allow for any outstanding AD replication to complete before running this script so that the newly created UM dial plan and any other changes are read by the script in their updated state)


[PS] C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\v15\Scripts>.\ExchUCUtil.ps1


17)   Run the ocsumutil.exe tool on the Lync server


C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Lync Server 2013\Support\OcsUmUtil.exe

Add required Auto Attendant and Subscriber Access contacts.


1.7            Verify

18)   Enable test user (ex2013test) for UM ( form Exchange management shell )


Enable-UMMailbox -Extensions 550 -SIPResourceIdentifier "" -Identity "CONTOSO\ex2013test" -UMMailboxPolicy "ContosoMailboxPolicy"


19)   From lync management shell

$credential = Get-Credential " CONTOSO\ex2013test"

Test-CsExUMConnectivity -TargetFqdn "" -UserSipAddress "" -UserCredential $credential



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